February 23, 2024

Danish Tech Startup Aims to Combat Online Image Abuse and Identity Theft

Focus on combating online violence, rights violations, and fraud intensifies with EU's Digital Services Act. Sasha - which is also short for Safe Share - prepares to launch its solution and welcomes the DSA. Sasha ApS aims to combat image abuse, leaks, and digital violations once and for all with security software that can prove civil copyrights.

The recent focus on image abuse highlights the need for collective efforts against online violence, rights violations, and fraud. With the implementation of EU's Digital Services Act on February 17, all major companies now fall under EU Regulation, ensuring increased online safety, enforcement of rights, and accountability from perpetrators.

In the Danish startup Sasha ApS, who specializes in image protection technology and holds a global patent for a groundbreaking solution, the introduction of EU legislation is seen as a positive step towards a safer online environment.

Thomas Eriksson, CEO and Founder of Sasha ApS, states: 

" I have dedicated almost all my waking hours in recent years to creating a tool to combat image abuse and a solution that can hold people accountable for image sharing. I look forward to finally having guidelines for proper online behavior and its enforcement. In a boundless digital universe, many develop a distant and dissociated relationship with the consequences of online behavior. What may seem innocent has real consequences for real people. We are committed to promoting accountability and good conduct online, and that's precisely why I started Sasha. Our solution can actually contribute to the new legislation and ensure that such behavior has real consequences."

Maziar Zamani, CTO at Sasha ApS, states:

" When you gather the whole world in one place without rules, you cannot control it. Without accountability, there will always be crime on the internet. Sasha has developed software to address widespread sharing and misuse of images online. We combine state of the art technologies in a unique way that enables us to prove original ownership and identify the source of unauthorized sharing, even if the image is manipulated. Our system can even recognize the image again without needing the original photo, ensuring complete privacy for the user."

The evidence can assist victims of image abuse and identity theft in their struggle to take down images from digital platforms or hold the original perpetrator accountable for redistribution without consent.

Sasha ensures complete privacy for users

The groundbreaking aspect of the technology is that it can protect images without viewing or storing them, ensuring complete privacy for users and compliance with GDPR standards for data security. The technology will be able to operate on individual devices, such as a phone or computer, allowing images to be protected without leaving the device.

Thomas Eriksson further states:

" We are often asked if our solution helps against synthetic images or so-called 'deepfakes.' The technology is built in a way that, regardless of the platform or service it is integrated into, it can prevent image abuse. If Sasha is integrated into a deepfake machine generating synthetic images, we can block private images when uploaded to the platform, making it impossible to generate a deepfake using that particular image."

When an image is being uploaded to a platform, such as an AI tool creating deepfakes, Sasha, through a partnership with the platform, can check the image and determine whether it is allowed to be used in that context. If the answer is no, the image will be rejected, thus halting the spread of images without consent. This also applies to protecting synthetic images, ensuring they are not shared in the wrong context.

For inquiries, please reach out to:

Lotte Thor Høgsberg
Chief Communications Officer
lottethor@sasha.eu or +4526151815

Cecilie Sonne Christiansen
Communications and PR